State Testing Tips for Students Editable Digital Images

I love using Canva to make digital images to share with students. Last year I created a digital state testing tip image to share with students and families. 

In Pennsylvania our state standardized tests are called the PSSAs and Keystone Exams. I created the image below and sent it to students in an email and shared them on my school Twitter account. My principal also shared the image in his weekly Schoology update.

The State Testing Tips Digital Image contains the following tips:
  • Get a good night's sleep
  • Eat a healthy breakfast
  • Come to school on time
  • Know your testing location
  • Bring a book to read
  • Have a positive attitude
You can use the state testing tip digital image below as it is by saving it as an image (right click on a PC or control click on a Mac). You can access an editable version of these state testing tips digital images by clicking the highlighted text. I made an editable version so you could customize the bottom to add your school district or change the title of your state test.

If you are a PA School Counselor, you can also use the images below as they are by saving them as images (right click on a pc or control click on a Mac). You can access the editable version of the PSSA and Keystone test tips by clicking on the highlighted text. If you use the editable version you can change the bottom to include your school district.

As I mentioned above, I sent the state testing tips digital image to students via email. I scheduled the email to go out to students in Gmail (you can also do this in outlook!).If you want some information about how to schedule emails, check out this previous post School Counselor Tech Tip: Schedule Send Emails.

Want to learn even more ideas to level up your school counseling program? Request a workshop for your local or state school counselor association here:

Upcoming Events:

Andrea Burston and I are hosting an ASCA Webinar - Get Funding for Your School Counseling Program on April 6th at 3:30pmEST.  Visit the ASCA website for more details and to register:

I love connecting with other school counselors! Connect with me on InstagramTwitter, or Facebook.

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