Spring Forward, Spread Joy! Sunday, March 14th at 7:30pm EST on Google Meet

This Sunday Andrea Burston (@jyjcounselor) and I are hosting an idea sharing session on Google Meet - Spring Forward, Spread Joy! We will share ideas about how to spread joy in your school!

We will share ways we spread joy in our schools and learn new ideas from you too!

Spend your extra hour of daylight with us on Sunday, March 14th at 7:30 p.m. on Google Meet: 

To participate you just need to get on Google Meet at 7:30pm EST using this link: https://meet.google.com/xgm-iqwd-mop.

We can't wait to see you there! 

Follow Danielle on Instagram for more updated and posts!

#scchat #scspreadjoy #schoolcounselorlife #schoolcounselor

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