Start With Hello Week Themes and Planning #StartwithHello

Start with Hello Week is September 23rd through September 27th. We are planning a variety of events at our school including a Mix it Up Day

Start with Hello Week is a way to promote community and inclusiveness at your school. If you are not familiar with Start with Hello Week is run through the Sandy Hook Promise, a national non-profit organization founded and lead by several family members whose loved ones were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012. Visit the Start with Hello Week page to sign up for free resources including a planning guide.

Below are the events and activities we are planning for Start with Hello Week next week.

Start with Hello Week Daily Theme Days and Activities

Monday (9/23): Promise 2 Start with Hello 
  • School Spirit Day - Wear school colors! 
  • Student Council Service Committee will be writing chalk messages on the sidewalks in front of the building and by the bus entrance. 
  • Mix it Up @ Lunch - Building New Relationships
    • Icebreaker for each table
    • Lego challenge for each table
    • Games, activities, and prizes.
  • Resources for teachers: 
Tuesday (9/24): Promise 2 Reach Out and Help 
Wednesday (9/25): Promise 2 Be Kind - #BeTheKindKid
Thursday (9/26): Promise 2 Embrace Diversity 
  • Share quotes about diversity on the school 
    • In diversity there is beauty and there is strength - Maya Angelou 
    • The things that make me different are the things that make me - A. A. Milne 
    • Diversity is not about how we differ. Diversity is about embracing one another’s uniqueness. - Ola Joseph

Friday (9/27): Promise 2 Connect
  • Take what you need, give what you can in the cafeteria.
    • I will be creating a bulletin board for students to take positive messages and give positive messages to students. I will also be making a smaller version for the faculty lounge.

Start with Hello Week Theme Week Image

I created this FREE image on Canva to share on the closed circuit TVs at my school and on social media. I shared a version that you can make a copy of and edit to meet your needs. Click on the image to be directed to the Canva website.

Teacher Pay Teacher Items for Start with Hello Week (and Beyond!)

Below are TPT resources I created for Start with Hello Week. Visit my TPT Store to view all my resources.

I will sharing more about how we are celebrating Start with Hello Week at my school in future posts on Instagram and Twitter.

Below are some ideas I saw on Twitter of how others are celebrating Start with Hello Week:
Search the hashtag #StartWithHello to get more ideas and see how others are celebrating at their schools.

Do you celebrate Start with Hello Week at your school? Share your ideas and what you are doing in the comment section below.

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via email, InstagramTwitterPinterest.

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