College Door Decorating Contest and School Spirit Day: Red Ribbon Week 2011

Today was the first day of the Red Ribbon Week festivities at my school. 

Today's theme was "Show School Spirit - Drug Free!" I wore black and yellow to show school pride. I was excited to wear my customized polo that I created using VistaPrint.  The other school counselor I work with and I got them at the beginning of the school year. It says my school and School Counselor under it. 

I had a fun idea for the door to the student services suite. On my way to my parent's house this weekend I was trying to think of door ideas. 

I got the idea to tape a graduation gown and cap to the door.  I then thought it would up the fun factor to cut out a hole in the paper where the window is so a student could put their head in front of the window so it would look like they were a graduate. 

We decided to make the door a Shippensburg University theme since the school social worker, the other school counselor, and I all graduated from Shippensburg University! 

To make the door, we covered it with red roll paper. We then taped a graduation gown and my graduation cap from Shippensburg to the door. We printed out some words from a campaign Shippensburg is currently running that features SHIP at the end of the word, like LEADERSHIP. We used construction paper to make the hands and the diploma. We even glued the fingers around the diploma.  I am so happy with the way it turned out! 

I made some minor changes to the Shippensburg door. I thought it would be funny if I put a "Your Face Here" sign behind the face opening. 

I also made a Penn State themed door for my office!

I covered the door with green roll paper. I used silver ribbon to hang pennants I created using out using my cricut.  I also taped a pom-pom, Penn State pennants, a nittany lion, and a Penn State towel to my door. 

Tomorrow's theme is College, University, Trade School & Military Day! "Believe, Achieve, Succeed - Drug Free!" Students and staff are encouraged to show pride for your future by wearing their favorite college, university, trade school, or military shirt! Students are also encouraged to wear their favorite college or university colors! I am excited to wear my Penn State jersey tomorrow! :)

Also, check out the other posts I have written with Red Ribbon Week Ideas:

Red Ribbon Week Ideas 
BEE Drug Free Grocery Bag Decorations
College Pennant Display
Career Day Costume Idea - Vet

Red Ribbon Week 2011*  I will be continuing to add more posts to this list this week!

College Door Decorating Contest and Spirit Day
College, University, Military, and Trade School Day
Dress for Success and Drug Free Pledges

Wear Red Day

You can also access the google doc I created of the Red Ribbon Week theme flyer we handed out to teachers and posted around the school.  

How are you celebrating Red Ribbon Week this year? What themes are you using? Where do you find Red Ribbon Week ideas? Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via email, follow her on twitter, add her on LinkedIn or Google+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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