Resources for RESPECT Lessons

A reader asked me where she could get lessons on RESPECT for middle school.

Q: My hat off to you!  As a counselor we many hats, and you seems to be wearing many more than that.  I appreciate reading the blogs which I’ve signed up to receive from you.  I would like to know if you have any articles or activities dealing with “RESPECT” and “Personal Self”?  If you do, I hope you would share them with me.  Do you have an archive of your counselor’s blogs?   I’m a counselor in the middle school and I love it!

A: There are many different websites and books I use to find lessons. Below, I have written about a new resource I have use to find lessons on respect (and much more!) and other resources I have used in the past. Also, see the bottom of the School Counselor Blog website for an archive of all of my previous posts!

Safe and Caring Schools
Safe & Caring Schools: Grades 6-8 (Safe And Caring Schools)I recently got the Safe and Caring Schools series from Free Spirit Publishing for my school. The series is great and the other counselor and I have already utilized some of the worksheets in the books. There is one Safe and Caring Schools book for each grade level up to eighth grade: Safe and Caring Schools: PreK-K, Safe and Caring Schools: Grades 1-2, Safe and Caring Schools: Grades 3-5, and Safe and Caring Schools: Grades 6-8. Each book is broken down in to theme sections. There is a specific section on "Respecting Yourself & Others." Each Safe and Caring Schools book comes with a CD that includes printable excerpts from the book. What I love the most about this series is that each section has literature connections as well as ways you can connect the content to other subjects. I am using the Safe and Caring Schools series this year in my work with students and I highly recommend it.

To get a better idea about what the books include, download excerpts from the series. Safe & Caring Schools: Grades 3-5 Table of Contents, Safe and Caring Schools: Grades 3-5 Parts 1 and  2, and Safe & Caring Schools: Grades 3-5 Bullying Section (January).

There is also a Safe & Caring Schools poster series available through Free Spirit Publishing.

Other Great Places to Find RESPECT Lessons
I wrote a blog entry in the past about where to find respect lessons. One of the sites I mentioned in my previous post about respect lessons was Teaching Tolerance. I have used Teaching Tolearnce for many, many lessons! I wrote about some great resources you can access from Teaching Tolerance in a previous blog post about great websites for counselors. Other resources I mentioned in my previous post about respect lessons include the National Education Association (NEA) website and The Freedom Writers Diary Teacher's Guide by Erin Gruwell.

Another website with respect lessons is Character Counts. The Character Counts website has a free lesson plan bank that is searchable by character pillar and grade level.

Search School Counselor Blog
At the bottom of the School Counselor Blog website there is an archive of all of my previous posts. Another way to access my previous posts is to use the wibya search bar at the bottom of my page to search this site, click on the star to see recent posts, and click on the crossing arrows to see a few random posts.
Know about any great resources for RESPECT lessons! Comment below, email me, tweet, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources.  Contact Danielle via email, follow her on twitter, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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