First Five Fabulous Finds: May 2010

I started new feature on School Counselor Blog called "Fabulous Find Friday."  Fabulous Find Friday is a way for me to highlight specific resources and items I use in my everyday work as a school counselor and how I utilize them.

Each month I will give a recap of the Fabulous Finds featured for that month.  Here is a recap of the first five fabulous finds:

1. Bubbles: Bubbles can be used in classroom guidance lessons, group sessions, and individual sessions with students. I have used bubbles with students of all ages. Adults love them too!

Oxo Good Grips Plastic LiquiSeal Travel Mug, Textured Clear2. No Spill Travel Mug: If you are in need of a great travel mug for coffee, tea, or whatever else you fancy, look no further! I love that I can carry all my bags out the door with no worries about spills thanks to this no spill travel mug!

3. Balloons: Balloons are not just for parties! I have used balloons to teach deep breathing and about anger in classroom guidance lessons, group sessions and individual sessions.

4. Prezi: If you want to take your presentation to the next level, look no further than PreziPrezi is a new way of presenting.  Prezi is easy to use, and best of all educators can get full access at no cost!

Altec Lansing iM-237 Orbit Ultraportable Speaker for MP3 Players (Silver)5. Altec Lansing Speaker: Instead of schlepping around a cd-player I use the ultra-compact Altec Lansing Speaker. I plug my Altec Lansing Speaker into my laptop, mp3 player, or phone to play music or amplify media clips during classroom lessons, group sessions, or individual sessions.

Do you have a Fabulous Find that you Fancy? I would love to hear from you! Your Fabulous Find may be Featured on a Future Friday, Friends! ;) 

Comment below, email metweet, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources.  Contact Danielle via email, follow her on twitter, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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