What Are Your Goals for the New Year?

The holiday break has given me the opportunity to think about the needs of my school and what I want to accomplish in the coming year.

My main goal for the New Year is to determine the needs of my students and the best way for me to serve them. When I get back to school I plan on administering needs assessments for grades four through eight, the grades I serve. I already had plans to run a fourth grade anger management group, a sixth grade girls group, and facilitate classroom lessons utilizing the Peacemakers Program in sixth grade.  I think that a needs assessment will help me determine other areas that I will be able to support students. You can find sample needs assessments under resources on the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) website. You must be a member to access the files.

I also plan on collaborating with a colleague on fifth grade transition to sixth grade.  My school serves students in grades Pre-K through eighth.  There is a nearby school that serves grades K-5. The fifth grade students from that school attend my school for sixth through eighth grade. The students from the two different schools have a difficulty transitioning and getting along with each other.  My colleague and I want to come up with some ideas for a program that will aid in the transition and foster relationships among the students before they come to my school.

I have also made some personal goals for myself. When my professors in graduate school spoke about burn-out and self-care, I took what they said with a grain of salt. I now realize the importance of self-care and the impact it has on the other areas of life. So, my personal goal is to run a half-marathon in May. I ran a 5K yesterday, which made me realize how much work training is going to be. When I eat healthy and exercise I feel more motivated in all areas of my life.

I am excited for 2010 and all of the exciting opportunities and experiences I will have this year!

What are your goals for 2010? Comment below, email metweet, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources.  Contact Danielle via email, follow her on twitter, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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