
Welcome to School Counselor Blog - where you can find innovative ideas, creative lessons and quality resources to help school counselors THRIVE!

My name is Dr. Danielle Schultz and I am the creator and author of School Counselor Blog. Read more about me here.

School Counselor Blog Started as an Idea...

As a school counseling graduate student, I was constantly searching for new ideas, lessons, and resources to use with students during my internships. I saw a need for a place to access ideas and learn how to implement them.

In January 2009, at the recommendation of my father, I started School Counselor Blog. He encouraged me to create a blog where I share my passion for school counseling and write about ideas, lessons, and resources.

When I first started blogging in 2009, I was a school counseling intern who did not even know what a blog was. Now blogging and connecting with other school counselors is an important part of my everyday life. I have been a school counselor for 12 years. I am currently a middle school counselor and live Pittsburgh, PA. 

I love presenting practical ideas and information to other school counselors they can use in their work. If you need a speaker for your state or local school counselor organization, email me!

If you have questions, connect with me on on InstagramFacebookBlueSkyLinkedIn or email me at danielle@schcounselor.com.

If you use this idea, I would love to see it in action! Tag me or share with me!

Need a speaker for your school counseling group? 

Request an in-person or virtual workshop for your local, state, or national school counseling conference here: http://bit.ly/drsworkshop.

Share and Connect

Sharing ideas is important. When school counselors share ideas, everyone wins!

There is an active community of school counselors on social media. Use the hashtag #scchat to connect and share with other school counselors.

Connect with me me on on InstagramFacebookBlueSkyLinkedIn or email me at danielle@schcounselor.com.

Watch videos I created on my YouTube Channel. You can also check out my Pinterest Boards for inspiration.


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