De-stress After the Test: How to Host Stress-Free Activities After Testing
Testing season can be a stressful time for students and adults! Last year our PBIS Team came up with an idea to help students decompress after our state testing days by hosting activity sessions we called "De-stress After the Test."
Below is an example of an email we sent out to teachers, students, and families to share information about De-Stress After the Test.
I recently wrote an article for the January/February 2025 ASCA School Counselor Magazine about practical ways to promote self-care titled Tools for Self-Care. Check out my blog post for a link to the article and links to all the self-care events and activities I reference in the article.
Although we hosted this event for PSSA testing, our state standardized testing, you could host an event like this after any testing session or window... midterms, finals, and more!
In this post I will share how we hosted De-Stress After the Test and provide you with all of the materials I made to promote it at my school.
Stress-Free Activities
For De-stress After the Test we recruited PBIS team members to host different activity sessions. We hosted:
- Cards and Board Games
- E-Sports
- Music, Coloring, and Bracelet Making
- Therapy Dogs
- Dance Party
It was so fun to host these events for students. My personal favorite was the PSSA Dance Party hosted by one of our teachers. She did a dance workout and it was super fun!
There are so many activities that could work for these sessions. Think about your school community and what supplies/materials you have access to at your school.
School Communication
During PSSA Testing days, the PBIS team is offering
"DE-STRESS AFTER THE TEST" - stress free activities
during tutorial periods. Students can sign up to attend
these activities via a google form or the attached QR
Code. There will be a 20 student limit each day for each
Please share this information with students during
tutorial. Students can scan the QR Code on the attached
image to sign up. This information will also be shared on
the TVs and via student email.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
I also shared an image of the activities in the email and on our closed-circuit TVs.
Activity Sign Up
To sign up for De-Stress After the Test, students completed a De-Stress After the Test Activity Sign-Up form to sign up for specific activities.
After they signed up, I made paper passes for each student. Since we have implemented a new pass system this year, SmartPass, I will be able to easily upload the list for each session to make digital passes for students.
You can make a copy of this De-stress After the Test Google Form so you can edit it to meet your needs.
I also created a template version of the De-stress After the Test Advertisement so you can add your own activities. I shared this image in my email to staff and families and I put it on our closed-circuit TVs to advertise the event.
You can also edit this template version of the De-stress After the Test Google Header to add images that match your session.
Modifications for De-Stress After the Test
If you aren't able to host a multi-day series of events, no worries! Below are some ideas for modifying De-Stress After the Test:
- Host one event at the end of your testing window
- Host a day-long event with multiple sessions after testing is over
- Provide students, families, and caregivers ideas of how they could De-Stress After the Test at home
Also, remember you don't have to an event of this nature alone! Reach out to co-workers or use your school community to help staff your different events and activities. If people have an area of expertise or a hobby they love, it could be a win-win for them and your students!
If you host a De-Stress After the Test at your school I'd love to see it! Connect with me via social media or email me!
Want to learn more ideas about promoting self-care at your school? Check out these posts below!
Also, I am speaking at this year's Pennsylvania School Counselors Association (PSCA) Spring Virtual Conference. In my presentation, Promote Self-Care to Your School Community I will share more details about De-Stress After the Test and other ideas for promoting self-care! Click on the image or visit the PSCA Spring Virtual Conference registration page for more information.
Connect with Danielle!
If you have questions, connect with me on on Instagram, Facebook, BlueSky, LinkedIn or email me at
If you use this idea, I would love to see it in action! Tag me or share with me!
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