Featured ASCA Magazine article: Tools for Self-Care - Promoting Self-Care to Students, Educators, and Graduate Students

I am excited to share that an article I wrote, Tools for Self-Careis featured in the January/February 2025 issue of ASCA School Counselor Magazine! This issue highlights the importance of school counselor and student mental health. In Tools for Self-Care, I provide practical ways to promote, model, and encourage self-care to students, educators, and graduate students!

ASCA Members can read the article online here: Tools for Self-Care.

You can also find Tools for Self-Care in the January/February 2025 issue of ASCA School Counselor Magazine starting on page 30.

Below are links to initiatives I mentioned in the article.

12 Days of Self-Care

Check out this 12 Days of Self-Care post for information about how I facilitated 12 Days of Self-Care at my school. This was an event leading up to winter break, but you could use the activity ideas and "self-care selfies" other times during the school year to promote, model, and encourage self-care!

Self-Care Fair

Check out this Self-Care Fair post for everything you need to facilitate a Self-Care Fair at your school. You could make this event as big or as small as you want. It could be geared for school staff or students - the possibilities are endless!

Destress after the Test

I haven't written a full post on this one yet. After our state testing, we hosted sessions to help students de-stress during their study hall period. Below are materials for De-Stress After the test.

Promoting Self-Care to Graduate Students

Self-Care is such an important topic to discuss in school counseling graduate programs. Check out this  One Way I Practice Self-Care slide that I facilitate as an icebreaker with students in my School Counseling Internship class. I shared with you as a template link so you can edit this to meet your needs. I love changing all the colors of everything in Cava to match my university's branding. 🤩

How do you practice self-care?

One of the most important things we can do as a school counselor is to take care of ourselves. It took me quite awhile to learn this lesson. I now regularly schedule self-care by reading each night before bed, making time for movement throughout the week, and treating myself to things like - flowers, fancy coffee, or a new book. Through my self-care journey I discovered that I love boxing, barre, and running. Trying lots of things really helped me find what works best for me to help me re-charge. What is your favorite form of self-care?

What questions do you have about this post or the Tools for Self-Care article in the ASCA School Counselor Magazine?

Connect with Danielle!

If you have questions, connect with me on on InstagramFacebookBlueSkyLinkedIn or email me at danielle@schcounselor.com.

If you use this idea, I would love to see it in action! Tag me or share with me!

Need a speaker for your school counseling group? 

Request an in-person or virtual workshop for your local, state, or national school counseling conference here: http://bit.ly/drsworkshop.

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