New School Year Energy! Welcome Back Gift Idea for Educators & Free Printable

There is nothing quite like that New School Year Energy! With the first day of school just around the corner, I made fun gift to kick-off the school year and to provide a little caffeine boost to my colleagues.⚡

I packaged up mini cans of Alani energy drink, motivational pens, and notepads. I added a gift tag I made in Canva to tie it all together.

I am planning to give a gift bag to all the school counselors and school psychologists in my department as a welcome back gift on our district's Opening Day.

To make the "New School Year Energy!" gift bag, I purchased:
I filled each bag with some shredded paper, a mini can of Alani, a small lined notebook, and a motivational pen. I tied the bag with a ribbon and attached a printable gift tag I made on Canva. You can use the template link for the gift tag here or access a pdf here.

I have never heard of Alani before this summer. When I saw all the unique and festive flavors I thought this would be a perfect treat for Back-to-School due to the tropical, summer vibe. ⛱️

You could use this printable gift tag for other items too! I picked the theme "New School Year Energy!" because I included an energy drink. You could also use this tag for a coffee gift card or a coffee-themed gift. 

How will you use this "New School Year Energy!" Tag

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Connect with Danielle!

If you have questions, connect with me on on InstagramFacebookBlueSkyLinkedIn or email me at

If you use this idea, I would love to see it in action! Tag me or share with me!

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