Market Your School Counseling Program - Presentation at the ASCA National Conference

Market Your School Counseling Program

Did you know that when you share about your school counseling program you are engaging in professional advocacy? 📣 In my presentation Market Your School Counseling Program at the ASCA National Conference, I shared various ways that school counselors can market their school counseling program to educational partners by sharing what they already do!

Advocating for your school counseling program is NOT bragging! Engaging in professional advocacy and marketing your program is a great way to let others know how you support the academic success, social-emotional well being and career development of ALL students!

You can view my full presentation here:

What new things did you learn from my presentation?

Connect with Danielle!

If you have questions, connect with me on on InstagramFacebookBlueSkyLinkedIn or email me at

If you use this idea, I would love to see it in action! Tag me or share with me!

Need a speaker for your school counseling group? 

Request an in-person or virtual workshop for your local, state, or national school counseling conference here:

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