5 Bulletin Boards You Can Keep Up All Year Long!

5 Bulletin Boards You Can Keep Up All Year Long!

School counselors typically have a love-hate relationship with bulletin boards. They love how they look, but thinking of an idea, putting them up and changing them throughout the year can be a challenge. I am here to help with inspiration and some relatively easy to assemble bulletin boards that you could leave up ALL YEAR LONG! Some of the bulletin boards I included below have been up for YEARS at my school 

My hope is that you can get a bulletin board up and not have to think about it. You can get back to work supporting students while having welcoming and engaging bulletin boards!

Click on the images or links below to access everything you need to re-create each of these 5 bulletin boards. Need more bulletin board inspiration? The School Counselor Blog search allows you to find even more FREE resources and ideas. Here are all the bulletin boards on SCB

"We Are So Glad You Are Here!" Bulletin Board

I have had this "We Are So Glad You Are Here!" Bulletin Board up for multiple years at my school. Or maybe it was two school years ago... Oh my! I just looked and I have had it up since 2021! I lost count! It still looks great and has a great message in the main hallway of our school.

"Welcome Back" Bulletin Board

This "Welcome Back Students" bulletin board is super quick and easy. It is also editable so you could put your school name or a different message in the "welcome back" portion. All the words are also editable.

"Sprinkle Kindness Everywhere!" Bulletin Board

I created this bulletin board on year for Random Acts of Kindness Week, but it is one you could keep up all year long. 

"Be the One" Bulletin Board

This quick and easy bulletin board starter will inspire students to BE the ONE. Use this as part of “Start with Hello Week” or anytime of the year!

"Pop in to See the School Counselor" Bulletin Board

This is another bulletin board/display that I have had up for YEARS. You can make this smaller or bigger than the one featured. This is a great way to let students know where you are and what you can help with! You could even personalize this by adding your Bitmoji!

Friendship Bracelet Style Bulletin Board --- *Bonus - Bulletin Board #6 ;) 

I just posted about this EDITABLE Friendship Bracelet Style Bulletin Board that I created. This is another one that could be kept up ALL YEAR LONG... or even multiple years. 

Need more bulletin board inspiration? 

The School Counselor Blog search allows you to find even more FREE resources and ideas. Here are all the bulletin boards on SCB. Be sure to check out my Instagram and Facebook pages for more inspiration!

If you create a version of any of these bulletin boards at your school, please share! 🤩

Connect with Danielle!

If you have questions, connect with me on on InstagramFacebookBlueSkyLinkedIn or email me at danielle@schcounselor.com.

If you use this idea, I would love to see it in action! Tag me or share with me!

Need a speaker for your school counseling group? 

Request an in-person or virtual workshop for your local, state, or national school counseling conference here: http://bit.ly/drsworkshop.

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