Packing for a Professional Conference: What's in my #ASCA24 conference bag?

Heading to a professional school conference soon? Whether you're a seasoned pro or a first-time attendee, having the right items in your conference bag can make or break your experience. From essential gadgets to must-have comfort items, being prepared ensures you can focus on networking, learning, and having a blast without any unnecessary stress.

Below I will walk you through everything I packed in my conference bag when attending the ASCA National Conference in Kansas City, MO. My hope is that this post will give you some practical ideas of what to pack so you can be prepared for your next professional conference. 

Let's dive in to my conference bag!

I linked specific items, when available, in the Travel Section of my Amazon Store.

😋 Snacks - I like to pack a few snacks in my conference bag to keep me from getting hangry! I have some Chomps, Barbells & Fruit Bars from Trader Joe’s.

🛍️ Tote Bag- I love this Compakt fold-up tote bag by Calpak. I pack it with me in case I need an extra bag to carry things.

🎧 Headphones - Headphones are great for having something to listen to on your walk to and from the conference location, or to listen to during down-time. I love my Beats by Dre headphones for running too!

⚡ Portable Charger - I use this Anker portable charger portable charger/battery pack to give my phone and other devices some extra juice throughout the day.

🤹🏼‍♀️ Multi-port Adapter - My Apple Macbook does not have a usb drive so I use a multi-port adapter so I can plug in items that require a usb cord or drive. 

🤹🏼‍♀️ Multi-Charging Cable - This multi charging cable allows me to charge various devices using one cord.

📁 Flash Drive - For the 2024 ASCA Conference presenters needed to have their presentations saved on a flash drive. I had to buy one because I literally haven’t used one in years… I typically do not bring a flash drive to conferences. 😜 When I present, I create my presentations in Canva and share the public view link.

👝 Tech Organizer - I love this Calpak Tech Organizer to organize all my cords and chargers.

📔 Passion Planner - My Passion Planner is like a security blanket, so it is coming along with me. 

🔌 USB Plugs - These Anker usb plugs include dual usb ports.

🕶️ Sunglasses - Not sure how much I'll be going outside for a break in 99° weather, but it is nice to have a pair of sunglasses if you go outside during the conference. My sunglasses pictured are Knockaround brand. I love them!

🖊️ Flair Pens - I love using Papermate flair pens for writing in my Passion Planner and taking written notes, if needed.

👗 Tide Pen - I always carry a Tide Pen with me. Tide pens are great if you accidentally spill something on yourself... in my case it is usually coffee! I also keep one in my desk at work.

💻 Laptop - Gotta have my Apple Macbook to take notes during the conference. I like to use Google Keep or Google Docs to take notes.

*Not pictured - Laptop Charger, phone, purse, my Owala water bottle, and Nuun daily hydration

As I mentioned before, I took all of these items with me to the ASCA National Conference in Kansas City, MO. It was great to have all of the items I needed, when I needed them. I felt calm, cool, and collected... I was never searching for an outlet, pen, or a snack!

All the items shown in the image above and described above were packed in my Calpak Luka 15 inch Laptop Backpack. *Use this link to get $25 off your first Calpak order. - conditions apply.

I linked specific items, when available, in the Travel Section of my Amazon Store.

For more information about my 2024 ASCA Conference experience, read about my #ASCA24 Conference Highlights here.

What will you pack in your conference bag? What would you add to my list?

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