I'm Presenting at PSCA22

I can't wait to present at the 2022 Pennsylvania School Counselors Association Conference! This year the PSCA Conference will be held December 8th and 9th in Lancaster, PA. 

I'm presenting two sessions: 
💵 Get Funding for Your School Counseling Program - December 8th at 9:45am 
💻 10 Tech Tools to Save You Time with Lezlie DelVecchio-Marks! (@schoolcounselordm) - December 8th at 1:45pm 

I'm so excited to connect and share with other PA school counselors! Will you be there? Here is a link for the PSCA conference registration 🔗: https://bit.ly/psca22register.

Follow along on social media for posts related to the 2022 PSCA Conference by using the hashtag: #PSCA22.

Below are some links about attending conferences in-person or virtually that may be helpful to you!

Need a presenter for your school counselor group? Request a workshop for your local or state school counselor association here: http://bit.ly/drsworkshop

Connect with me on TwitterInstagramYouTube, and Facebook

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