Spring into Mindfulness

I can't wait for it to finally feel like Spring in Pittsburgh, PA! If you are looking to add some spring vibes and mindfulness activities your school counseling office, check out the post below.

Make Time for Mindfulness Bulletin Board

I created this interactive spring mindfulness bulletin board for my school counseling office last year. I randomly got the idea to make pinwheels. It gives some major spring vibes. I linked all the QR codes to mindfulness activities or information. Get everything you need to create this "Make Time for Mindfulness" bulletin board by clicking on the image below.

Mindfulness To-Go Kits

I made these "Mindfulness To-Go Kits" when we were hybrid last year. I wanted to provide a way for students who were fully remote to access some of the activities I was sharing with students. I still keep these kits on hand to give to students. 

Get everything you need to create "Mindfulness To-Go Kits" by clicking on the image below.

Bubble Breathing

Kids (and adults) of all ages can't help but love bubbles. I created these little bubble breathing cards to go with bubble solution. Although I couldn't use them in my office, I wanted to give students something they could do to practice deep breathing. These would be a great small gift for a school counseling group. I used full-size bubbles for individual cards and used party sized bubbles in the Mindfulness To-Go Kits to keep them more cost-effective. 

Click on the link below to access the free printable Bubble Breathing card

Mindfulness Activity Cards

I created this "Mindfulness Activity Card" to include in the "Mindfulness To-Go Kit." It is editable so you can add your own resources and activities if you want! Use this as a stand-alone or as part of the kit. 

Want to learn even more ideas to level up your school counseling program? Request a workshop for your local or state school counselor association here: http://bit.ly/drsworkshop.

Upcoming Events:

Andrea Burston and I are hosting an ASCA Webinar - Get Funding for Your School Counseling Program on April 6th at 3:30pmEST.  Visit the ASCA website for more details and to register: bit.ly/getfundingasca.

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