How to Celebrate National School Counseling Week

In the spirit of the #NSCW22 theme, "Better Together," Olivia Carter (School Counselor of the Year 2021 🤩) and I are collaborating to share ways to celebrate National School Counseling Week 2022! 

Check out our post for ideas to celebrate school counseling! 🎉

Understand National School Counseling Week

National School Counseling Week is always celebrated the first full week of February. *This year it is February 7th-11th.* NSCW is sponsored by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA). The Purpose of NSCW is to celebrate "the unique contribution of school counselors... and highlight the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success."

School + District Leaders

If you're new to NSCW, don't be nervous! We have some ideas to help you celebrate school counselors: interview students and staff about the impact your school counselor has on your school and make a heartfelt video, give a "Smile File" so your school counselor can look back at notes, letters, and pictures on tough days, or reach out to other officials to spread the word about your school counseling program!

Thank Those Who Have Made an Impact

Everyone likes to get a hand-written card, a heart-felt email, or a certificate of appreciation. Write a note to someone who has helped to build your school counseling program:

🌟 A teacher

🌟 Another school counselor

🌟 An administrator

🌟 Your advisory council

Join in the Fun with ASCA

The American School Counselor Association has created a photo challenge for each day of the week! All you have to do it download each sign, write your response, and take a selfie with it. Make sure to use and follow the #NSCW22 to build your professional learning network and see how others are celebrating school counselors! 

Access all the ASCA National School Counseling Week 2022 materials here!

Build Your Own Toolbox

While you're celebrating all the things school counselors do, don't forget to take some time for yourself. If learning is your thing, ASCA has a webinar each day about anti-racism in school, leadership, collaboration, advocacy, collaboration, and systemic change.

Be Extra!

The NSCW theme this year is "Better Together!" Do you know how many foods are better together? Milk and cookies, peanut butter and chocolate, coffee and donuts, chips and salsa, just to name a few. Do you have a budget to treat your staff? Involving treats that are "better together" is an exciting way to invite conversation about how we all work better together to support student success!

How will you celebrate #NSCW22?

Connect with Danielle on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

Want to learn even more ideas to level up your school counseling program? Request a workshop for your local or state school counselor association here:

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