5 Ways to Get Funded for School Counselors

Do you have a school counseling budget? In the beginning of my career as a school counselor, I never even thought to ask if I had a budget. I purchased all the resources and items I used. 

In this post I share ways to get funded for resources and projects even if you have a small (or non-existent) budget.
School Counseling Budget
Do you have a budget for your school counseling budget for your building or department? If you do, find out how much money you have in your account. 

If you don't have a budget, talk to your administrator about creating one for your building or department.

Determining how much money you have at your disposal can help you plan what you can purchase for your program and whether or not you need to seek out additional funding sources. 

We are currently setting our budget for the 2022-23 school year. If you plan ahead, you can budget for things you will need for the following school year. 

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Your parent teacher association (PTA) has a vested interest in supporting projects to help your school and community. Reach out to your PTA about grants to you fund your project. Even if they can't fund the project, they can help you get the word out! 

I have been fortunate to have a few different projects funded by my school's PTA. Below are pictures of a garden and adoraindak chairs that I was able to get funded with the help of our PTA. I wrote a grant for each project.
Local Businesses
Reaching out to local businesses is a great way to get funded for projects and activities. Write a letter or email addressed to the manager. Explain the purpose of your project and what you are specifically requesting. Share how their contribution to your project will benefit your school! 

I have received donations from local businesses near my school. I have received gift cards, merchandise, and coupons for free items.

Donor's Choose
Donor's Choose is an organization that allows educators to create projects and get funded. Educators request items they want and post the projects on the Donor's Choose website. Donors contribute funds to the projects. Once the project is fully funded, you receive the items. Find out more at: www.donorschoose.org.

When I was a new school counselor I had a few projects funded from Donor's Choose. I was able to get books and resources. 

Just Ask!
It is amazing what you can get sometimes if you just ask! Post in your school newsletter or on social media sites that you are seeking specific items. Let people know how they can contribute or get the items to you.

A few years ago I sent emails to parents and the PTA asking for donations of Legos for an activity we were planning. I was so blown away with the number of donations we received. We have continued to benefit from this donation and I now host a weekly Lego club with my co-counselor using the donated Legos!

What tips do you have for getting projects or resources funded?

Want even more budget tips? Check out the YouTube video I made with Andrea Burston End of Year Budget Tips for School Counselors. Visit http://bit.ly/SCEOYBUDGET.

Connect with Danielle on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

Want to learn even more ideas to level up your school counseling program? Request a workshop for your local or state school counselor association here: http://bit.ly/drsworkshop

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