#ThankAPrincipal National Principal Month Display

October is National Principals Month!

The principal and school counselor relationship is so important. I am so thankful to have amazing administrators that support my work as a school counselor. Celebrating them for National Principal Month is a way to acknowledge them and the work they do!

In 2019 my co-counselor and I decorated our principals' doors for National Principals Month. 

If you want to re-create this at your school, I provided FREE printables below: 

To access the signs, click here: National Principals Month Sign

To access the sticky notes, click here: #ThankAPrincipal Sticky Notes

To print the Positive Sticky Notes:
  1. First you need to print the template. I like to do a test print to determine how the printer feeds the paper. This will help you to figure out how to place the template with the sticky notes in the printer. 
  2. Next, affix the sticky notes to the template. You can make all one color or alternate colors of sticky notes.  
  3. Put the template with sticky in the printer tray.
  4. Print!
  5. Peel and stick! 
Check out the National Principals Month website for more details about National Principals Month and social media resources.

I love creating bulletin boards and displays. Here is a link to all my favorite bulletin board supplies

I love connecting with other school counselors! Connect with me on InstagramTwitter, or Facebook.

If you have questions, email me or Direct Message me on Instagram or Twitter.  

Need a presenter? I love sharing practical tech tools and resources school counselors can use in their school counseling programs. I would love to present to your district, local, or state school counselor organization! Email me to book me for your event!

If you have questions, email me or Direct Message me on Instagram or Twitter.  

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