We Are So Glad You Are Here Bulletin Board


This is such a simple message, but so important for students to see and hear.

I was going for a minimalist look with this bulletin board but I still felt that it needed some color. I layered a black and white border and a rainbow stripe border from School Girl Style to make it pop!

I created a folder with different versions of the bulletin board letters here. For my bulletin board I printed the letters full size, flipped horizontally, on black card stock

In the folder I include half-size and full size letters. I also have a regular and flipped horizontally version of each. Click the image below to access the PDF versions of the letters

By special request I also made a version that says "I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE HERE!"

I love connecting with other school counselors! Connect with me on InstagramTwitter, or Facebook.

If you have questions, email me or Direct Message me on Instagram or Twitter.  

Need a presenter? I love sharing practical tech tools and resources school counselors can use in their school counseling programs. I would love to present to your district, local, or state school counselor organization! Email me to book me for your event!

If you have questions, email me or Direct Message me on Instagram or Twitter.  

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