Start With Hello Week Daily Activity Ideas 2021

Start with Hello Week is a national campaign with the goal of teaching empathy and empowering students to end social isolation by following three steps: 🟢 SEE Someone Alone 🟢 REACH OUT and Help 🟢 START with Hello Start with Hello Week is typically promoted during September, but you could pick a week in October too! It doesn't matter when you host it! The activities below could be done anytime during the school year. My goal is to provide you with information and ideas so you can host a Start with Hello Week at your school. Below is what I'm planning to do for Start with Hello Week this year. We are participating in Start with Hello Week from September 27th - October 1st. During Start with Hello Week we will engage in activities, challenges, and opportunities that encourage everyone to build a welcoming and inclusive school culture. Monday, September 27th: Make Someone Smile Monday! Be a rainbow in someone’s cloud! Go out of your way to make someone smile today...