💻 3 Tech Tools Webinar Now Available on ASCA Website

Andrea Burston (@jyjcounselor) and I presented Three Tech Tools to Enhance Your School Counseling Program, for the ASCA Webinar Series. The webinar recording is now available on ASCA's website. View the recording here: bit.ly/3techtools4scp.

All webinars in the 2021 ASCA Webinar Series are FREE, if you are an ASCA member.

A peek behind the scenes.  💻✨

It was so fun to share ways school counselors can use Canva for Education, Smore, and Screencastify to connect with stakeholders. We share lots of examples of how you can use these tech tools in your school counseling program. 

Need presenters? Andrea and I love sharing practical tech tools and resources school counselors can use in their school counseling programs. We would love to present to your district, local, or state school counselor organization! Email me to book us for your event!

If you have questions, email me or Direct Message me on Instagram or Twitter.  

Upcoming Events:
Andrea and I host a monthly School Counselor Meet-up on Google Meet. For more details and to see future events visit: http://bit.ly/meetup4sc.

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