What We Wish We Knew in Graduate School with Andrea Burston and Danielle Schultz

Andrea Burston and I recorded a YouTube video about What We Wish We Knew in Graduate School. We thought other school counseling graduate students and future school counselors might benefit from hearing us talk about the following tips and information about:

🎓 Making the most of internships

🎓 Interviewing for school counseling positions

🎓 Starting out as a new school counselor

🎓 What we have learned along the way

Check out our video and tell us what you think! This is our first attempt at recording conversations about topics relevant to school counselors. We would love to hear your suggestions and ideas for future topics! 

If you want to submit a question or topic, share a video recording here: www.speakpipe.com/SCquestions. Your question or topic may be featured in a future school counselor conversation between Andrea Burston and me.

I love connecting with other school counselors! Connect with me on InstagramTwitter, or Facebook.

Upcoming Events:

Andrea Burston
 and I are hosting an ASCA Webinar - 3 Tech Tools to Enhance Your School Counseling Program on May 26th at 12:00pm EST. We will be sharing about Canva, Smore, and Screencastify! Click here for more details and to register: bit.ly/3techtools4sc!

Andrea and I also host a monthly School Counselor Meet-up on Google Meet. For more details and to see future events visit: http://bit.ly/meetup4sc.

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