Group Tabs: School Counselor Tech Tips

Google Chrome has an option to group tabs! On a Mac, you control click on any Chrome website tab to get a drop-down menu. You can create a name for a group of websites. You can even color code your tab! 

Check out the post below for tips to optimize grouping tabs!

✨ Visited Daily ✨

Easily access frequently visited websites by grouping them in a "daily" category.

I group my course management system, student instructional options, and other frequently used websites into a "daily" tab. It is so convenient to have all of my most used websites easily accessible.

✨ Organized Tasks ✨

Create a tab group for websites needed for different tasks or projects.

Each Tuesday, I send out office hour emails to students and families for our asynchronous day. I have a tab with teacher Zoom links and office hours sign ups. This allows me to have everything I need to send out emails.

✨Prepared for Meetings ✨

 Facilitate your virtual meetings with ease by grouping all the websites needed into one tab group.

I have a grouped tab for all the websites I need to host Rise & Shine a weekly group I facilitate for students. I have Spotify, my slideshow, and student reward points all grouped so I can have everything I need to start my meeting.

What tab groups will you create?

I love connecting with other school counselors! Connect with me on InstagramTwitter, or Facebook.

If you have questions, email me or Direct Message me on Instagram or Twitter.  

Upcoming Events:

Andrea Burston and I are hosting an ASCA Webinar - 3 Tech Tools to Enhance Your School Counseling Program on May 26th at 12:00pm EST. We will be sharing about Canva, Smore, and Screencastify! Click here for more details and to register!

Andrea and I also host a monthly School Counselor Meet-up on Google Meet. For more details and to see future events visit:

Our next School Counselor Meet-Up is: What I Wish I Learned in Graduate School. We will share what we wish we learned before entering our first school counseling positions and what we learned along the way. Current school counselors and graduate students are encouraged to attend! Everyone is welcome! To sign up visit:

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