Hosting Virtual Events to Connect with Students

I am hosting virtual events on our asynchronous days for the remainder of the school year with the Student Council Service Committee group I facilitate. The goal of hosting these events is to provide non-academic connections and FUN for students. 

What virtual events have you hosted so far?

So far we hosted:
  • Pet Show-and-Tell - students showed off their pets on Zoom
  • Brain Yoga - a game where you create a new invention out of two everyday items

This is a picture of me and my cat Perry before hosting Pet Show-and-Tell.

I created cards to give all the students who participated in Brain Yoga. Five participants won a gift card to a local independent bookstore.

These events have been so much fun to host and participate in. It has been such a unique way to connect with students. I will be sharing more details about each event in future posts. 

I will be sharing future posts to explain each event we are hosting in more detail. If you have questions, email me or Direct Message me on Instagram or Twitter.  

What virtual events are you hosting in the future?

Future virtual events include:
  • Superhero Jeopardy - Superhero trivia in Jeopardy form
  • Would You Rather? - Students are going to come up with the questions for this 
  • Pet Show-and-Tell - Back by popular demand!
  • Brain Yoga - We will host this multiple times before the year is over.
  • Pandemic Pastimes - showcase of hobbies and interests students started since the pandemic

This is an advertisement for our Superhero Jeopardy that one of my Student Council Service Committee students created on Canva.

I will be sharing future posts to explain each event we are hosting in more detail. If you have questions, email me or Direct Message me on Instagram or Twitter.  

How do you advertise for the events?

To advertise the events, I do the following:
  • Send out a description of the event with a link to sign up in our weekly Schoology (course management system) update that our principal sends out
  • Send emails to all fully remote students
  • School News & Events Slideshow I created for teachers to present to students
  • Announce the events during student lunch periods
  • Post on my school Twitter account
We create images for the advertisements on Canva. If you aren't using Canva yet, it is AMAZING. Canva is a digital design platform. 

If you want to learn more about Canva, Andrea Burston and I are hosting an ASCA Webinar - 3 Tech Tools to Enhance Your School Counseling Program on May 26th at 12:00pm EST. We will be sharing about Canva, Smore, and Screencastify! Click here for more details and to register!

What platform do you use?

At my school we use Zoom. You could also use Google Meet to host these virtual sessions. 

How do students sign up?

I create a Google Form for each event for students to sign up. Using a Google Form that collects their email address allows me to easily copy and paste student email addresses into an email. I send students who signed up an email with the Zoom link the morning of the event and again 30 minutes before the event starts. I schedule these emails to go out so I do not have to remember to do it. 

What questions do you have about these Zoom events? 

I'm happy to answer your questions and provide more details!

Check out my other posts about Hosting Virtual Events for Students:

If you have questions, email me or Direct Message me on Instagram or Twitter.  

Upcoming Events:

Andrea Burston and I are hosting an ASCA Webinar - 3 Tech Tools to Enhance Your School Counseling Program on May 26th at 12:00pm EST. We will be sharing about Canva, Smore, and Screencastify! Click here for more details and to register!

Andrea and I also host a monthly School Counselor Meet-up on Google Meet. For more details and to see future events visit:

Our next School Counselor Meet-Up is: What I Wish I Learned in Graduate School. We will share what we wish we learned before entering our first school counseling positions and what we learned along the way. Current school counselors and graduate students are encouraged to attend! Everyone is welcome! To sign up visit:

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