Editable Spring Break Tips for Students

On Friday I saw @counselingjbms share tips for students to get ready for Spring Break! I loved this idea and decided to make a version for my students. (Check out @counselingjbms for their post that inspired me!) I scheduled an e-mail to go out to all the students on my caseload Monday morning that includes these "Spring into Break" tips. Who knew you could schedule emails in gmail?! It is a definite game-changer! I created these Spring into Break tips on Canva . If you are interested in creating this Spring into Break tips for your students, and want to use this image, I created an editable Google Slide that you can customize for your students! I created an editable Google Slide so you can create your own version of these tips for your students. Click here , or the image below to access a copy of the Spring into Break tips. I added text boxes and included sample text. You can edit the text to customize these tips for your school and students. I pu...