Sprinkle Kindness Everywhere Bulletin Board

I created this "Sprinkle Kindness Everywhere" bulletin board last year for Random Acts of Kindness Week. This would also be great to display during the Great Kindness Challenge which is January 25th - January 29th this year.

To make this "Sprinkle Kindness Everywhere" bulletin board, you will need the following items:

  • A printer
  • Colorful Cardstock or Paper to print the "Sprinkle Kindness Everywhere" words and the kindness ideas. I love to use AstroBrights Cardstock for bulletin boards.
  • A paper cutter or scissors
To print bulletin board pieces:
  1. Print the "Sprinkle Kindness Everywhere" letters on white cardstock (or color of your choice)
  2. Print the kindness ideas the size of your choice on colorful cardstock. Alternate colors of paper so that there is a variety.

To download the full file with the "Sprinkle Kindness Everywhere" or click on the image below.

Where will you display this "Sprinkle Kindness Everywhere" bulletin board?

If you create this at your school I'd love to see it! Tag me or share with me on InstagramTwitter, or Facebook.

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