Spread Kindness Not Covid Bulletin Board

After sharing my "Sprinkle Kindness Everywhere Bulletin Board," one of my long time school counselor friends, Carli Segal, shared a version of the bulletin board she made with a different tagline. 

Carli's bulletin board says "Spread Kindness Not COVID" but still uses the kindness ideas from the "Sprinkle Kindness Everywhere" Bulletin Board. Carli nailed it with the COVID version!

I thought other school counselors might want to make this bulletin board at their school, so I decided to make letters for the slogan "Spread Kindness not COVID" so they could make the bulletin board too.

I was sharing this on Instagram, and there was so much interest, that I decided to make a post.

One school counselor, Emily MacDonald, shared a picture of the bulletin board she displayed at her school in preparation for her students to return to in-person school. 

Emily said her middle school students got a kick out of it.

Here is a link to a folder with all the files you need to create the bulletin board. You can also click on the image below for the link to the folder.

Thanks so much Carli for this idea! 

Thank you Emily for displaying the bulletin board at your school and sharing it with me! 

Carli is an elementary school counselor in Pennsylvania. Carli is the founder of #escchat, an elementary school counselor chat, on Twitter. You can follow Carli on Twitter @carlicounsels and Instagram @carlicounsels.

Thanks again, Carli and Emily!

Where would you display this bulletin board in your school?

I love connecting with other school counselors! Connect with me on InstagramTwitter, or Facebook.

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