Kind Conversations Valentine's Day Themed Bulletin Board Kit

Last year, I wanted to create a fun, Valentine's Day themed bulletin board that would fit in with our school's monthly PBIS theme of Kindness. I used conversation hearts as my inspiration and made them fit with the kindness theme. This bulletin board also works great for Random Acts of Kindness week which is February 14th - 20th this year.

I created a printable version of this bulletin board so you can recreate it at your school. The file includes the conversation hearts and the letters for this bulletin board.

To make this bulletin board as shown, you will need the following:

  • Bulletin Board Roll paper for the background
  • White paper or card stock
  • Pastel paper or card stock - I use Astrobrights when possible
  • Color printer (you can choose to print the everything in black and white instead of the red letters)
  • Scissors
  • Paper cutter (optional - I like to use them for cutting straight lines)
  • Staples and/or a Scotch Glue Dot Roller (I love using  glue dots to glue the whole bulletin board together so I can use the completed bulletin board again )
I printed all the hearts full size on pastel paper. I alternated the colors so that I would get a mixture of each. I printed the letters for the words "Kind Conversations" on white paper.

You can access the full PDF file with the Kind Conversations Bulletin Board Kit here or by clicking on the image below.

Does your school host monthly themes? What bulletin boards do you display for Random Acts of Kindness Week? 

If you display this bulletin board in your school I would love to see it! Tag or share with me on Instagram or Twitter

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