Spread Kindness Not Covid Bulletin Board

After sharing my "Sprinkle Kindness Everywhere Bulletin Board," one of my long time school counselor friends, Carli Segal, shared a version of the bulletin board she made with a different tagline. Carli's bulletin board says "Spread Kindness Not COVID" but still uses the kindness ideas from the "Sprinkle Kindness Everywhere" Bulletin Board. Carli nailed it with the COVID version! I thought other school counselors might want to make this bulletin board at their school, so I decided to make letters for the slogan "Spread Kindness not COVID" so they could make the bulletin board too. I was sharing this on Instagram, and there was so much interest, that I decided to make a post. One school counselor, Emily MacDonald, shared a picture of the bulletin board she displayed at her school in preparation for her students to return to in-person school. Emily said her middle school students got a kick out...