I created a quick and easy bulletin board to display on the last day of "Start with Hello" week. I loved the idea of a "Take What You Need, Give What You Can" bulletin board. I created this version to help spread positivity in my school.

No bulletin board? No problem! I love using alternative surfaces like windows and walls to display bulletin boards. I stuck this bulletin board to the window near the door to the counseling office so that students could see it as they were leaving the cafeteria.

Students and staff can take a positive note from the "Take What You Need" side of the bulletin board to lift them up.

Students and staff can write a positive note to give to a friend or colleague or take a note from the "Give What You Can" side of the bulletin board to give to someone.

I added "Take What You Need, Give What You Can" Bulletin Board to my TPT Store so you can easily make this quick and easy bulletin board at your school. You can literally start spreading positivity in minutes!

Check out my recent post about "Start with Hello" Week for more ideas about creating an environment of inclusivity, kindness, and positivity at your school!

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Danielle is a middle school counselor, counselor education doctoral candidate, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Danielle is also co-founder of the hashtag #scchat where #schoolcounselors connect to share ideas and resources on social media. Connect with Danielle via email, InstagramTwitter, and Pinterest

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