"Note"-icing Student Effort

It may seem like a small gesture, but writing notes to students can make a big impact. This year I am making it my goal to write notes to students when they go above and beyond to applaud their effort. I am also including one of our Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) tickets with the card. Some examples of things I have written notes to students for recently, include: Assisting with 6th grade Move Up Day Assisting with New Student Orientation Providing a tour to a new student and helping the student feel welcome Sharing experience as a previously new student to help a new student feel less alone in their experience Helping another student in class Cleaning up the cafeteria after lunch - when no one asked Below are some pictures of notes I shared on Instagram ( @sch_counselor ). I love finding fun, student-friendly, note cards to give to student. The Target Bullseye's Playground has had some great ones lately. More @target "thank you" ...