2015 School Counselor Tweet Up: School Counselor PLN Meet Up at #ASCA15

This year Carol Miller of The Middle School Counselor Blog will be hosting the School Counselor Tweet Up at #ASCA15.  Each year this event has gotten bigger and bigger! If you have the opportunity to go to the ASCA Conference I highly recommend it! I have had such a great time each year. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet your online school counseling colleagues IRL (in real life).

Check out the Smore Flyer below to get more details about the 2015 School Counselor Tweet Up!

Not able to attend #ASCA15 this year? You can still benefit by following the conference backchannel on Twitter! Two years ago school counselors who were not able to attend even started a hashtag #notataASCA13! A #notatASCA14 chat was even hosted this past year! Since I will be very pregnant during the ASCA conference, I plan on living vicariously through conference attendee's tweets in the comfort of my own home.

For ideas of how to make the most of the ASCA Conference if you are in attendance or from home, check out the posts below:

#ASCA14 1st Timer Tips - JYJ Counselor Blog

#notatasca14: Top 5 Tips for the ASCA 2014 Conference From Home - The Spirited School Counselor

ASCA Conference Tips for Newbies - Sassy School Counselor

ASCA Tips for the Noob - The Counseling Geek

Conference with a Difference - SCHOOL COUNSELLOR TALK

Enjoying ASCA14, Whether You're There or Not - School Counseling by Heart

Making the Most of the ASCA Conference - School Counseling on Air Collaboration

Preparing for #ASCA14: Paying & Getting Organized - School Counselor Space

Prepping for a Magical ASCA14 Conference - School Counselor Blog

Why Did I Wait 20 Years to go to ASCA? - The Middle School Counselor

Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitterPinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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