Why ASCA and Why Help School Counselors Spice Up Their Program With #SCCS15? Guest Post buy Jeff Reams - The Counseling Geek

Guest Post by Jeff Reams, The Counseling Geek

Anyone who has attended the ASCA National Conference can easily answer the first question. Those that have not - you are thoroughly missing out. The ASCA conference is three days of networking, learning from over 100 breakout sessions, and getting encouraged by top keynote speakers (like Michelle Obama!).

How cool is it? It actually afflicts those who attend with PADS after leaving!

Sadly, there are some school counselors that have never attended and one of the main reasons is because there is a lack of funding. That is why we are back for another year of the School Counselor Community Scholarship (#SCCS15). We have upped our donation/fundraising goal from last year to 5 full registration scholarships ($1, 750) to give to some school counselors in need!

The recipients of last year's scholarships really enjoyed their time at the conference:

Bridget Helms of Jane Ball Elementary School in Cedar Lake, IN
Katie Powers, Graduate student at Brandman University in San Diego, CA

A partial scholarship ($175) is being awarded to:
Karon Parrish of Star City Middle School in Star City, AR

So now what? Now we need you! If each reader decided to donate only $5 - which is less than that triple hot sugar free double shot caramel frappuccino you just ordered - we would blow our goal out of the water! So I challenge you to donate $2, $5, $20, or $100+ to help school counselors out there attend ASCA 2015 in Phoenix, AZ.

The scholarship applications will be open early in the new year - please check back for links or visit www.thecounselinggeek.com.

Jeff Ream is Geek Master, Professional School Counselor at The Counseling Geek, and a High School Counselor at North Tahoe HS. The Counseling Geek is an online professional development and learning tool for practicing school counselors and graduate students who want to build their technology and 21st Century Skills within their program and school. TCG is also great for those looking for jobs and tips in their hunt for a great career. With video tutorials hosted on YouTube on topics like how to get started with social media networking and creating digital portfolios, TCG provides tips on new technology in counseling.  

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Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitterPinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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