Shutting the Door on Digital Predators: Digital Safety Lesson Part 2

In my previous post I shared the first part of my Digital Safety lesson for 6th grade students. During the second half of the lesson I showed students a video focusing on digital privacy and safety.  When looking for a video to share, I went first to Rebecca Lallier's blog, School Counseling by Heart and found this awesome video below. (Rebecca is an expert on all things child abuse so be sure to check out her MANY resources!)

The video is about a girl who has a public account online. It outlines some of the dangers of having your information open and available for anyone to see. It is 8 minutes and 34 seconds long.

Before watching the video with my students, I explained that the video we are about to watch can be a little creepy at times, but I felt like it was important to for you to see what can happen if we do not take our digital safety seriously. 

During the video students gasped at different parts, especially when the predator goes into her open house and into her room. They were all fully engrossed for the duration of the video. 

I left enough time in the lesson so that we could have a discussion after watching the video. I first asked students what stood out to them about the video. We discussed how the predator being able to walk into the girl's home was like having your account open to the public; anyone can get in. We also discussed the ways to be safer in the digital world that were highlighted in the video.

I think this video was very impactful and I plan to use it for future lessons as well.

Below I shared access to my full lesson plan for Part 1 and Part 2 of my Digital Safety lesson. I did the lesson within one class period, which is 40 minutes in my school. In my lesson I share the ASCA Standards and I included the new ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors. Once the grade-level bands are up I will update this document to include those as well. 

6th Grade Digital Safety Lesson Part 1
6th Grade Digital Safety Lesson Part 2

How do you teach students about digital safety? Share your ideas and resources below!

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Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitterPinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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