Prepping for a Magical #ASCA14 Conference

I attended my first ASCA conference in 2011 and I have been hooked ever since.  I have spend the last view days prepping, planning, and thinking about all things ASCA! I can't wait to connect with school counselors during the ASCA National Conference in Orlando, FL! Below I share some tips for prepping and packing for the ASCA conference!


On Tuesday I participated in a live School Counseling on Air Hangout about Making the Most of the ASCA Conference. Panelists shared excellent tips for planning and prepping for the conference.

I recommend checking out the conference website before attending the conference. There is valuable information on the 2014 ASCA Conference Page about arranging for a shuttle to and from the hotel, purchasing discount DisneyWorld tickets, and up to date information about the conference.

I highly, highly recommend downloading the 2014 ASCA Conference App or using the web version of the app, even if you do not plan on attending the conference. You can use the app to download handouts and materials, mark sessions you want to attend, navigate your way around the conference, view the live Twitter feed, and more! Jeremy Goldman shares lots of great ASCA14 app info in the School Counseling on Air Hangout.


I squeeze everything I bring to the ASCA Conference in a carry-on bag that fits in the overhead compartment and a personal bag I stow under the seat in front of me. I like to pack as light as possible, which of course involves careful painstaking preparation beforehand. I lay out every outfit I plan to wear and make a plan for each day. I think about what I will be doing that day and if I will be wanting to change in the evening to go out for dinner. Sure it takes a lot of extra thought, but I don't carry a huge suitcase with me and it saves me time getting ready in the morning. 

After I figure out the essentials (clothes, jewelry, hair supplies, toiletries, etc.) I start to think about what tech gear I want to bring with me. This year I have been going back and forth about whether or not I want to bring my iPad. I recently purchased a MacBook Air.... it is so light and tend not to use my iPad as much, so I am thinking about leaving it behind.

Tech Gadgets I will definitely be bringing along include.. 
  • MacBook Air
  • Kindle Paperwhite (I have the 1st generation one) for reading on the plane 
    • If you have not used OverDrive before, check it out! It allows you to borrow eBooks and audiobooks from your local library! 
  • Mophie Juicepack for my iPhone 5 - it is a case and a charger. Great for travel!!! 
  • Mini Travel USB/Outlet - this one is a little obsessive, but there is a definite lack of outlets at conferences and this way I can charge all of my devices at once!

Other things you might consider bringing...
  • address labels or an address stamp for filling out drawings at vendor booths
  • business cards for connecting with new school counselor friends or discovering new opportunities!
  • extra bag to bring any goodies you may have purchased along the way

Save the Date!

We are hosting the 3rd annual School Counselor Tweet Up at ASCA on Monday, June 30th at 5:15pm in the Dolphin Lobby. Check out the Flyer and RSVP if you are planning to attend

Also, if you want to learn about how you can use Twitter as a school counselor, Dr. Erin Mason and I will be presenting Professional Development in 140 Characters or Fewer on Tuesday, July 1 at 8:00 am in Swan 5

More helpful tips:

The following posts contain lots of helpful information about attending the ASCA National Conference:

Do you have ASCA Conference tips to share? Share them in the comment section below!

Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitterPinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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