October #SCCHAT: Bully Prevention Month Ideas: K-12 (October 1, 2013)

The next School Counselor Tweet Chat is on Tuesday, October 1, 2013 at 8pm EST.
The topic of the chat this month is Bully Prevention Month Ideas: K-12 moderated by Dr. Susan Fuller (@EElementarySC), elementary school counselor and author of the Entirely Elementary School Counseling blog.
We will be chatting about ideas and resources to celebrate Bullying Prevention month at all levels, K-12.
I strongly encourage those new to twitter to come and join us and participate! Even if you just watch and read the tweets you will learn so much! I archive each chat so that even if you aren't available to participate live you can read the chat later.
We look forward to tweeting with you!
The November #SCCHAT will be held on November 5, 2013 at 8pmEST. The topic is Lesson Plan Creation and Implementation and will be moderated by Chris Wood (@ChrisWood415), high school counselor form Iowa. We will be chatting about ideas and resources for developing and implementing lessons plans as a school counselor.
#SCCHAT occurs on the first Tuesday of the month unless otherwise specified. To add the #SCCHAT schedule to your calendar click here.
Join School Counselor Blog and SCOPE for #scchat the first Tuesday of the month @ 8pmEST! For transcripts of previous #SCCHATs, schedules for future School Counselor Tweet Chats, and information on how to participate, visit #SCCHAT Info: http://bit.ly/scchat-info.
If you are interested in moderating a future School Counselor Tweet Chat, direct message me on twitter!
Dr. Erin Mason is a former Middle School Counselor, now Counselor Educator who manages SCOPE, a group blog dedicated to chronicling the positive impact of School Counseling professionals. Connect with Erin via email, follow her on Twitter, add her on LinkedIn or Google+, and become a fan of the SCOPE Facebook Page.
Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via email, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.