Magnificent and Marvelous New School Year Printable

To celebrate the new school year I wanted to give teachers and staff a small sweet treat! I was racking my brain and even consulted with Andrea from JYJ Counselor about ideas. She reminded me that I didn't have to reinvent the wheel that I could repurpose one of my other ideas. I originally was going to make a different version of my 3 Musketeers printable, but wanted to create something that I could give to ALL staff. So, I decided to revamp my Magnificent and Marvelous School Counselor printable and create a Magnificent and Marvelous new school year printable!

I used Microsoft PowerPoint to create my printable. I created a new slideshow and wrote the message:

 Wishing you a 
Magnificent and Marvelous 
new school year!

On the inside I personalized it for my school, but I created a generic message that you could sign your name to that states:
 I am excited to provide services to support the
 academic success, personal/social well-being, 
and career development of students at our school! 

I look forward to working with you this school year! 

Your School Counselor, 

For the message I used a free font called Love Ya Like A Sister. I made the message more colorful by alternating a color pattern for the letters in Magnificent and Marvelous. In my version I provided my name, alphabet range I serve, and my contact information (phone and email). 

I printed the messages double-sided on cardstock. I designed the printable with the messages four to a page so that I could make cards that perfectly fit fun-sized M&Ms inside! (This took A LOT of trial and error, but I was so excited when I finally got it the JUST RIGHT size!)

I gluded a pack of fun-sized M&Ms to the inside of the card.

(I edited out my school info)

This was a simple, fun, easy, and sweet treat to give to teachers and staff to wish them a happy new school year! If you want to customize this for your own school information, you can print the first page of the printable and create your own message for the inside using word or PowerPoint.

To download the printable, click on the image below.

What treats or trinkets do you give staff at the beginning of the school year?

Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitterPinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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