Friday Facebook Round-Up! August 2nd Edition

There is a lot of great discussion happening on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page  Each Friday I plan to share some of the week's most popular posts and fan questions from the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

Check out the questions below and then visit the links to read comments, suggestions, and ideas from other school counselors!

Questions from the week ending Aug 2, 2013

School Counselor Office Pictures:
Andrea Burston of JYJ Counselor Blog and I are hosting lots of ways to Get Connected for Back to School. One of them is sharing pictures of your school counselor office on various social media sites. You can use the hashtag #sccoffice on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Vine to share your office pictures with other school counselors. You can view the office pictures I posted on Facebook here, here, and here.

Lacy posted a picture of her office on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page here.

Introduction Lesson Ideas: 
Do you present an introduction lesson or meet the school counselor lesson for students? What ideas and resources do you have to share with others? Click here to read the comments.

Organization and Documentation:
Valerie, a first year school counselor, wants to know how you stay organized with the day-to day and keep documentation? Do you recommend a particular type of calendar/planner? Has anyone created their own? What recommendations do you have for a new counselor to stay organized with classroom core curriculum, group counseling, individual sessions, meetings, etc? Click here to read the comments.

Organizing Continuing Education:
Franciene is trying to get all of her continuing education paperwork organized. Throughout the year she puts her paperwork into a CE file, it gets out of sequence and it tough to go through to add up her hours. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions to keep everything organized and easily accessible? Click here to read the comments.

Data Collection:
Lots of school counselors are looking for ways to use data for their programs! How do you use data to drive your program? What resources and websites do you recommend? Click here to read the comments.

K-2 Games and Activities:Shari, a school counselor for grades K-2, is looking for activities or games to supplement her classroom lessons. Please share your favorites below! Click here to read the comments

Character Education Ideas:Val is thinking of implementing a character counts program focusing on the 6 pillars (trustworthiness, respect, respect, caring, citizenship, and responsibility). She wants to know if anyone else has done this program and what kind of classroom guidance lesson plans they used. What suggestions do you have for Val? Click here to read the comments.

Back-to-School Meeting Themes
Amanda, a K-4 school counselor is looking for ideas for presenting at a back-to-school meeting for teachers and other school staff. In addition to providing them with great information, she wants to use a theme or a program to provide encouragement and motivation. Last school year, she used "Being a Bucket Filler" theme for both students and staff. She is looking for other suggestions and wants to know what other counselors use when presenting to teachers and staff. Click here to read the comments.

What questions do you have for School Counselor Facebook fans? 

Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitterPinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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