Facebook Round-Up! August 10th - August 24th Edition

There is a lot of great discussion happening on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page. Bi-weekly I will share some of the most popular posts and fan questions from the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

Check out the questions below and then visit the links to read comments, suggestions, and ideas from other school counselors!

Questions from August 10th - August 24th

Open House Ideas
Does your school have a meet the teacher or open house before school starts? What do you do or share as a school counselor? Click here to read the comments.

Motivating Un-motivated High School Students
Alyssa, a high school counselor, is looking for creative ways to motivated the unmotivated! What creative ideas and interventions do use when working with unmotivated students? Click here to read the comments

School Counseling Website Ideas
I have gotten a few questions about websites. Do have a school counseling website or blog for your school? Do you have it integrated into your school website? What information do you share with students, parents, teachers and other stakeholders? Share below! Click here to read the comments.

Welcoming New Students

Do you do anything to welcome new students throughout the school year? Do you give them any kinds of packets of information or a "welcome kit" of any kind? Click here to read the comments.

Character Education at the Elementary Level

Alexa is looking for ideas for implementing character education at the elementary level throughout the school year, school wide. Share your favorite resources and ideas below! Click here to read the comments.

Interview Advice for Switching Levels

Georgia has an interview for a few elementary school counselor positions. She has been doing high school counseling for a few years now. She feels out of the loop because she hasn't done anything with elementary since she was in college. What advice do you have for items she should she take with her to the interview? She also wants to know how you find out about the latest and greatest in elementary school counseling resources! Share your ideas below. Click here to read the comments.

Group Questions

Ebony, a second year school counselor, has lots of questions about groups! What is the average amount of small groups that counselors have each year? Do these groups normally consist of one grade level or multiple (ex. K-2 and 3-5)? What are some great resources or websites for small group plans for grades K-5? Share your thoughts, ideas, and resources below! Click here to read the comments.

Book Organization
How do you organize/display books in your office? Click here to read the comments.

Leadership Groups for Elementary Students
Laura is looking for ideas for starting a leadership group at her elementary school. What kind of leadership programs does your elementary school have for students? Please share leadership group ideas and information about the groups! Click here to read the comments.

What questions do you have for School Counselor Facebook fans? 

Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitterPinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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