June #SCCHAT Transcript: Getting Involved with State School Counseling Organizations

Many state School Counseling Organization leaders participated in this chat. Participants shared ideas on how to get involved with your state chapter of the American School Counselor Association and the benefits of being involved. Participants also shared suggestions for state School Counselor Organizations to improve on services or connect with members.
View the transcript below or to read the full transcript in a separate browser visit: June #SCCHAT Storify.
To access all of the tweets with the hashtag #scchat, click here.
The next #SCCHAT will be held on July 9, 2013 at 8pmEST. The topic is ASCA Conference Recap and will be moderated by me, Danielle Schultz (@sch_counselor). We will be chatting about the ASCA National Conference in Philadelphia, PA (#ASCA13). I encourage those new to twitter to come and join us and participate!
(#SCCHAT occurs on the first Tuesday of the month unless otherwise specified. We changed the date for this one due to the ASCA Conference).
For transcripts of previous #SCCHATs, schedules for future School Counselor Tweet Chats, and information on how to participate, visit #SCCHAT Info: http://bit.ly/scchat-info.
We are currently looking for future moderators and topics. If you are interested in moderating, please email me or direct message me on Twitter.
Did you participate in the School Counselor Tweet Chat? What did you think about it? What new ideas did you learn? Comment below or share via twitter #scchat!
Erin Mason is a former Middle School Counselor, now Counselor Educator who manages SCOPE,
a group blog dedicated to chronicling the positive impact of School
Counseling professionals. Connect with Erin via email, follow her on Twitter, add her on LinkedIn or Google+, and become a fan of the SCOPE Facebook Page.
Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via email, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.