Hoarders: School Counselor Edition

Hi my name is Danielle and I am a school counseling material hoarder.

I did not realize the extent of my problem until I went to my storage unit the other day to scope out what supplies I might want to take with me to my new position.

This is what was staring back at me... dun dun dun...

A hot mess.

When I left my previous position I did not take the time to actually organize my stuff when I was putting it in boxes. I knew that I had to go through everything, sort, and organize so I could prioritize what I wanted to take to my new office.

I made multiple trips to the storage unit bringing a few boxes with me each time. I went through each box and sorted things into piles: Keep, Throw Away, and Give to Mom (my mom is a teacher and is going to end up getting a ton of my elementary level stuff haha).  The stuff that I decided I wanted to keep I sorted into Middle School Level and Elementary Level. The elementary stuff that I did not end up reserving for my mom is going to go back into storage... in a LABELED box this time.

I sorted the middle school level items that I am taking with me, put them into boxes, and labeled them. I am glad I purchased clear boxes because I can easily see what is inside now that they are organized.

I decided to try out the permanent marker trick on my plastic boxes and sure enough it worked!  I wrote the the key items in the box on each lid.

If you are not aware of the permanent marker trick, prepare to have your mind blown! You can write on many different kinds of surfaces with permanent marker and then write on top of the permanent marker with a dry erase maker to remove the permanent marker. It comes right off... like magic!

After lots of sorting and labeling (and reshuffling of the one side of the storage unit....) I had a nice neat area of stuff that I am planning to take with me to my office.

I still have a few more boxes to go through... but those boxes contain mostly craft supplies. I am not feeling motivated to tackle that project yet. I am going to wait to go through the other boxes until I see my office.

So there you have it... this hoarder is trying to be reformed. I do not want to take a bunch of unnecessary items to my new space so I needed to get my clutter under control!

How do you sort and pack your items? What organization tips do you have for a school counselor starting a new or first position?

Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitterPinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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