Friday Facebook Round-up! July 26th Edition

There is a lot of great discussion happening on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page  Each Friday I plan to share some of the week's most popular posts and fan questions from the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

School counselors have back to school on their minds! Lots of school counselors are looking for ideas for next year or ideas for just getting started as a new school counselor. Check out the questions below and then visit the links to read comments, suggestions, and ideas from other school counselors!

Questions from the week ending July 26, 2013

Creating Community Partnerships: 
Allie from The Creative School Counselor blog is looking for ideas of how school counselors partner and collaborate with the local community to provide resources for students and families. What partnerships have you created to benefit your students and families? Click here to read the comments.

In Search of Study Skills Curricula: 
Cristina is looking for your favorite study skills resources and curricula for middle and high school! Click here to read the comments.

Songs for School Counseling:
Melanie from Stylish School Counselor is looking for song ideas to integrate into school counseling sessions and programs. What songs do you use in your work as a school counselor and how do you use them? Click here to read the comments.

Alternatives to School Counselor Positions in an Unfavorable Market:
Berkeley has been applying for TONS of school counseling positions with no luck. She wants to know what other things you can do with a degree in school counseling when the market is not favorable. Click here to read the comments. 

The BIG News I shared:
I have some big news for my School Counselor Blog facebook fans!! I just accepted a position as a middle school counselor for the coming school year!!!! Beyond elated!!!! Click here to read the comments.

K-8 Decoration Advice:
Joey will be doing an internship this fall at a K-8 school and is looking for furniture and office decoration recommendations. Share your decoration tips below! Click here to read the comments.

OWL Themed School Counseling Ideas:
Whooo wants a OWL theme this year? Nicole does! She found some good lessons and decor....(Whoo's in your family, Kindness is a hoot!, Owl about me) but she is wondering if YOU have more ideas for lessons, crafts, decor and other things that can be done with owls! She is especially looking for acronyms that they use O.W.L.  Click here to read the comments.

Start dates for school counselors and students:
When is your first day of school and first day for students? Click here to read the comments.

Favorite Resources for ALL LEVELS:
Tim is looking for your favorite school counseling resources for ALL LEVELS! He will be starting a new position serving four non-public schools - grades K-8 and 9-12. What are your favorite books and resources? Click here to read the comments.

What questions do you have for School Counselor Facebook fans? 

Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitterPinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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