Supporting Military Children and Families

Below are a list of resources I have compiled that school counselors can utilize for supporting military children and families.  Please feel free to add your own favorite resources in the comment section below or share them on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page or via email

Resources on the Web:

"Best Day Ever" - Google Doodle image by a military child of father coming home. This image could be used in individual and small group sessions. 

Corner on Character blog by Barbara Gruener - Barbara has literally TONS of information for supporting military children and families. She also has posts about ways she supports our troops at her school! The Corner on Character is a great resource for all things school counseling and character education!

In Our Classrooms: Supporting Children of Military Families from Edutopia. Great article about ways to support military children. 

Military Child Education Coalition - This site has lots of information for working with military children. There is research and information on trainings and programs for educators. 

Military OneSource Deployment - This site has a wealth of information and resources. This is a great resource to use when working with military children and to share with families. 

Military Youth on the Move - Military Youth on the Move is a resource geared towards military kids. The site has information about moving, school, social life, and more. I love that this site has podcasts and videos! There are also resources on this site that parents and educators can use when working with students!

National Guard Family Program - Lots of resources for the stages in military deployment. Information and resources for families and youth. 

Sesame Workshop: Military Families from Sesame Street. This site provides kid-friendly videos, facilitator guides, and guides for caregivers. 

Books and Curricula:

Dealing With Deployment: A Small-Group Curriculum for Elementary and Middle School Students from the American School Counselor Association. This curriculum has resources and activities that could be used for individual sessions or small groups.

Dear Blue Sky by Mary Sullivan - geared toward middle school. Novel about a girl whose brother goes to war in Iraq. 

Deployment: Strategies for Working with Kids in Military Families by Karen Petty, Ph.D.

Hero Mom by Melinda Hardin - Check out a review of Hero Mom on Books that Heal Kids by Barbara Gruener

Military Family Books - A GIGANTIC list of books that can be used when working with military children and families!

Night Catch by Brenda Ehrmantraut - Check out a review of Night Catch by Barbara Gruener at the Corner on Character

How do you support military children and families?

Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitterPinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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