A Bouquet of Ways to Bring May Flowers into Your School Counseling

April showers... BRING MAY FLOWERS!

Spring has finally sprung where I am in Pittsburgh, PA! Temperatures have been in the 70s this week and I hope that sping is here to stay! Even if it spring hasn't sprung yet where you are, here are a few ways you can brighten things up by bringing May flowers into your School Counseling office and activities.

Grow Respect!
In a recent post for the Free Spirit Publishing Blog I shared about a lesson I did that I called "Growing Respect."

This lesson is an example of how you can use concepts that children and adolescents already understand to teach new information. I used the concept of how a flower grows to teach students about growing and nurturing respect.

I took this lesson a step further for a girl's group. We talked about growing respect and then planted sunflowers I purchased from the dollar spot at Target. Students enjoyed watching the progress of their sunflowers' growth throughout the group. It was a great visual for talking about how much they themselves grew in group too!

Plant a Kindness Garden!
Emily's Kindness Garden was one of the first posts featured in the School Counselor Spotlight. I absolutely loved that Emily created this great bulletin board to spread kindness in her school. It is bright, cheery, and has a great message!

Check out Emily's post and learn how to create a Kindness Garden at your school!

Pick a Flower Pen!
Since I had lots of artificial flowers leftover from my bridal shower, I decided to give making flower pens a try.  I thought flower pens would be a super cute, functional addition to our Career Cafe tables. I had so many that I kept a vase of them in my office and used the rest for Career Cafe.  Students loved them and it was a great way to keep track of the pens!  Check out the video below for instructions on how to make them!

Has spring sprung where you are? How do you bring flowers into your work as a school counselor? 

Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitterPinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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