School Counseling Linky Party 2013

Marissa Rex at is hosting the School Counseling Linky Party to highlight the best of school counseling blogs for 2012!  I think this is a super fun way to reflect on 2012 and get excited about blogging for 2013! I am soooo excited to participate in the School Counseling Linky Party 2013 especially because I have never participated in a Link Party!  

My favorite feature of School Counselor Blog is School Counselor Spotlight

I actually started School Counselor Spotlight in 2012! I wanted to come up with a way to showcase other school counselor's ideas with the School Counselor Blog audience.  Seven school counselors have been spotlighted so far, including school counselor bloggers such as Andrea Burston from JYJOYNER CounselorBarbara Gruener from The Corner on Character, and Marissa Rex from  I am always taking submissions, so if you have a great school counseling idea you would like to share with others visit the School Counselor Spotlight Page for more details!

My personal favorite blog post of 2012 is actually a series I created about Career Café

Career Café is an opportunity for students to learn about careers from individuals in their community. Starting with this post, Career Cafe: Location, Location, Location! I outline the steps you need to start a Career Café program at your school! 

Students absolutely love Career Café,  it is a blast to host, and it meets ASCA Student Standard in the Career Domain. Career Café can also be geared toward any level - elementary, middle, or high school! 

I am actually planning to use the Career Café concept with college students.

My most popular blog post of 2012 was To Proficiency.. and Beyond! Test Taking Tips Bulletin Board

My co-school counselor and I created a fun rocket themed test-taking tips bulletin board just in time for state testing. It was so much fun to make and the students loved it.  After creating the bulletin board for my school I decided to make free printables of the words I used on the bulletin board to share with School Counselor Blog readers. I have had lots of readers share pictures of their own To Proficiency.. and Beyond! Test Taking Tips Bulletin Board they created using this idea and the free printables which was really cool! 

Of course there are tons more school counseling blogs I follow, but these 5 are at the top of my list! Here they are in alphabetical order! :)

Create a blog post titled "School Counseling Linky Party 2013." 
Place the Linky Party logo (above from in your post. 
Answer the questions (above from
Submit your blog post link at

Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitterPinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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