Connect and Share with More School Counselors on Twitter

As I mentioned in my previous post I am working on School Counselor Twitter research with Dr. Erin Mason, founder of School Counselor Online Professional Exchange (SCOPE).  If you are a school counselor, school counseling graduate student, or counselor educator that uses Twitter, please take this survey to share how you use twitter:

I was charged with the task of determining how many school counselors there are on Twitter. At first I had no idea how I was going to do it... I mean Twitter is a pretty big place. I also wasn't sure what I would do with the information once I found it.  

Then I had an idea that would not only help me catalog school counselors, but would beneficial to school counselors on Twitter.  I decided to create lists of school counselors on Twitter.  The Twitter lists I created will help school counselors, school counseling graduate students, and counselor educators on Twitter easily find and connect with other more easily. 

If you are on Twitter you can subscribe to the lists to connect and share with other school counselors.  You can also be added to the list by tweeting to me or Direct Messaging me on Twitter. My handle is @sch_counselor. I have been working on finding and adding school counselors who state that they are a school counselor in their Twitter profile. 

You can view all of the lists I created here or subscribe to specific lists by clicking on the topic below.
  • School Counselors part1 - Subscribe to connect with school counselors, school counseling graduate students, and counselor educators! 
  • School Counselors part2 - Subscribe to connect with school counselors, school counseling graduate students, and counselor educators! (You can only fit 500 members on a list so I needed to create an additional list of school counselors! These lists are not ranked in anyway they are equally important.) 
  • School Accounts - School Counseling Programs and Departments using twitter to share information with their school community.
  • School Counselor Organizations - School Counseling Organizations including state School Counselor Organizations.
  • Counselor Education Programs - Counselor Education Programs using Twitter.
Another great way to connect and share with school counselors on twitter is to participate in the monthly School Counselor Tweet Chats that Dr. Mason and I host. You can find more information and a schedule for the School Counselor Tweet Chats here.  The next School Counselor Twitter chat is on Tuesday, December 4th at 8pmEST.

How will you use School Counselor Twitter lists to connect and share with more school counselors?

Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitterPinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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