School Counselor Spotlight: Character is Our Super Power - Red Ribbon and Character Counts Theme

Red Ribbon week (October 23 - 31, 2012) and National Character Counts week (October 21 - 27, 2012) overlap this year. Babara from The Corner on Character shared great ideas for a week worth of themes to combine Red Ribbon Week and Character Counts week! Barbara's blog is chalk full of character education ideas, so I was very excited when she submitted this SUPER idea for the School Counselor Spotlight! 

Barbara writes:

I wanted to share our Red Ribbon/Character Counts Week theme and what we've got planned for a school-home connection. This year our theme is Character Is Our Super Power.  We have events planned for each day of the week.

We are wearing "I Can. I Care." Superman style t-shirts. 

For Red Ribbon/Character Counts week, I'm sending home "Character is Our Super Power" Parent Homework to ask parents to tell us what is their child's super power. 

I can't WAIT to get these back because I think they'll be amazing. We're working on a bulletin board with the same design as the T-shirt (only the half-sheet homework papers will form the C in the middle).

***Update: Barbara shared the bulletin board with the completed parent homework she has received back so far! ***

We will share these in morning meetings and publicly on the bulletin board display. 

We are also signing a Character is Our Super Power banner! 

Two things that didn't make the list that have also been planned are a school-wide healthy choices walk during specials class AND a Coffee Chat With the Counselors for parents, guardians and community members on Thursday. 

Our topic will be Elevating Empathy To Empower. Can't wait! 

I am so excited that Barbara shared her SUPER ideas with us!
  • The school-home connection for this Red Ribbon and Character Counts week is such a great idea! I love how she included parents and grandparents into her theme week and emphasized their importance as role models for students.
  • The parent homework is such a cool idea especially because it is focusing on their child's strength or "super power."
  • Any of these events and ideas could be used anytime of the year to highlight positive character traits, not just during Character Counts week! 
  • The Coffee Chat is such a cool idea! I have always wanted to do one!!!! A few other school counselors have shared about Coffee Chats lately, including Tabitha at Scrapbook of a School Counselor
  • Love, Love, Love, the t-shirts! How cool are they?!
  • I also love Barbara's level of enthusiasm about her theme week! She is definitely passionate about school counseling and working with students! 
Thanks again so much Barbara for sharing your "Character is Our Super Power" Red Ribbon Week and Character Counts Theme! 

Be sure to check out Barbara's blog The Corner on Character for more SUPER ideas!

What theme days do you host for Red Ribbon Week? What theme days do you host for Character Counts Week? Have you ever combined two weeks with a common theme? 

Do you have an innovative idea, creative lesson, or quality resource you want to share with other school counselors? Have you done something to make a positive impact on your students, your school, and yourself? School Counselor Spotlight is a way for you to share your innovative ideas, creative lessons, and quality resources with School Counselor Blog readers!

Send your stories, ideas, creative lessons, and/or resources to with School Counselor Spotlight in the subject line. Please include a description of the idea, lesson, or resource, including costs, inspiration, pictures and how it impacted your students or school!
**Photos must be of good quality and unedited.** 

Chosen ideas and stories will be featured in the School Counselor Spotlight on School Counselor Blog!

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Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitterPinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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