Red Ribbon Week Ideas

School Counselors are often in charge of coordinating Red Ribbon Week at their school. Check out the links below for Red Ribbon Week themes/days ideas you can implement at your school. Many of the ideas are easy to implement. Even if you have not started planning for this year's Red Ribbon week (October 23rd - 31st) you could implement some of the ideas below to kick off your Red Ribbon Week.

School Counselor Spotlight - Character is Our Super Power - Red Ribbon and Character Counts Theme

Career Dress Up Day

Dress for Success Day

College, University, Military, and Trade School Day

College Door Decorating and School Spirit Day

Red Ribbon Week Ideas - Career Theme

Bee Drug Free! - Grocery Store Bag Decorations

How do you celebrate Red Ribbon Week at your school? What themes/days ideas have you used?

Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitterPinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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