National Education and Health Awareness Dates 2012-2013 Calendar

I get tons of questions about how to find out about educational dates and causes to promote at school.  I was so excited when I found a comprehensive list of dates for the 2012-2013 schoolyear available for download on the American School Counselor Association website.

The National Education and Health Awareness Dates 2012-2013 Calendar is a valuable tool for school counselors and educators!

October has lots of causes you can promote awareness for at your school!

October is:

AIDS Awareness Month
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Child Health Month
Computer Learning Month
Depression and Mental Health Month
Diversity Awareness Month
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Family Health Awareness Month
Head Start Awareness Month
Month of the Young Adolescent
National Book Month
National Communicate with Your Kids Month
National Crime Prevention Month
National Dental Hygiene Month
National Depression Education and Awareness Month
Positive Attitude Month

Important Education and Health Awareness Dates for October:

October 1 International Day for Older Persons
October 1 Child Health Day
October 1 World Habitat Day
October 3 Walk to School Day
October 5 National Diversity Day
October 5 World Teacher’s Day
October 7–12 Mental Illness Awareness Week
October 7–13 National 4-H Week
October 7–13 National Fire Prevention Week
October 10 World Mental Health Day
October 10 SAVE (Stop America’s Violence Everywhere) Day
October 11 National Depression Screening Day
October 14–20 Teen Read Week
October 14–20 Make Your Mark Week
October 14–20 Freedom from Bullies Week
October 15–19 National School Bus Safety Week
October 16 World Food Day
October 21–27 America’s Safe Schools Week
October 21–27 National Character Counts Week
October 23–31 Red Ribbon Week
October 24 United Nations Day
October 31 National UNICEF Day

Visit The American School Counselor Association website to download the National Education and Health Awareness Dates 2012-2013 Calendar.

What October awareness causes do you support at your school? What events and activities do you facilitate to promote or support causes?

Comment below, tweetcontact Danielle, or share on the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitter, PinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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